[Prev|Next|Index] Thu, Feb 22, 1996 Dave Garant I cannot believe what I hear! By Dave Garant It is amazing to me the rhetoric of politicians. I cannot relate. How do you become qualified to be a leader of a country? It has become the platform for personal views and not national ones. Whatever will get them elected. The web is the latest target, and a popular one at that, to be trounced by right wing republicans. It seems to me that anything that resembles freedom to them must be controlled, squeezed and manipulated to reflect thier version of what is right. What is right? To me it can be something completly different than the next guy, yet right in line with someone else. I am an imigrant from Canada, a democratic country with a dose of sociaism thrown in. The people there are great and I will always be a Canadian. But in the USA you are a more vocal people when it comes to freedom. I like that. Speak up. Say what you feel. Don't back down. We must all support freedom of speach, and freedom of everything else!! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Twenty-Four Hours of Democracy]